
Wednesday, December 24, 2014

Christmas Eve at the Flowers' house

Happy Christmas Eve!

I don't know what traditions you might have at your house, but at our house it's customary to open one present on Christmas Eve.

I choose this present.

The first present of Christmas! What's inside?

Rip that paper open!

I think he likes the present. Let's go put it on!

It's Christmas jammies!

Can we open more presents now?

Like this one? Let's open this one.
No, not yet. We'll save that for tomorrow buddy.

Before we go to bed we've got to leave something for Santa.

That's a lucky Santa. He's got some pretty nice cookies this year.

Let me see what Santa is getting.

Ooh. He's getting a chocolate cookie?

Better taste it to make sure it's okay for him.

And while we're at it, might as well make sure that milk is good.

Theresa and I read him Twas the Night Before Christmas and he went straight to sleep. See you in the morning buddy.

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